

TTA teachers assess what they teach, whom they teach, and how they teach it. TTA assessments are

clearly aligned to the Arizona State standards which ensures that learners are prepared to demonstrate

their learning in effective and closely-related formative and summative assessments. Along with a

comprehensive curriculum that is carefully aligned to state standards and delivered through research-

based instructional strategies, student learning will eventually be demonstrated on standardized


TTA will use the following methods of assessment:

Type When Why
Diagnostic Pre Identify students’ skill strengths and weaknesses
Formative/ Interim During To assess students for learning
Summative Post To assess students’ learning

Diagnostic Assessment:

All incoming TTA students will take a benchmark assessment in Galileo to measure skills in reading, comprehension, and math. This data will be used for course placement and will also help determine the appropriate supports within the school’s RTI program. 

Formative Assessment:

Formative assessment is an integral part of daily instruction. As described in the charter application’s Educational Philosophy and Target Population sections, TTA will utilize formative assessment to drive instructional decision making. TTA teachers will frequently assess, gather the evidence/ data generated and, based on its analysis, adjust teaching strategies. These assessments will also be used to evaluate higher-order thinking and the acquisition of the knowledge, concepts, and skills required for students to succeed in the 21st century workplace.  TTA is committed to such effective use data collected from informal and formal classroom assessments, interim/benchmark testing, and summative assessments. The benchmark assessments provide opportunities for teachers to proactively support students not meeting proficiency on essential standards. The data from formative and benchmark assessments are used to plan daily classroom instructions as well as TTA’s remedial and enrichment program. The data will not only be used to tailor instruction for the overall improvement of student achievement, but will also keep the parents/guardians and students informed on the student’s progress.

Summative Assessment Plan that Supports Student Mastery of Arizona State Standards

 In order to measure student learning and progress towards mastery of the Arizona State Standards, TTA will conduct summative assessments at regular intervals. 

  • TTA teachers will administer a post-unit-test for their respective subjects. This will help school leaders and teachers measure the student growth and tailor their instruction accordingly. 
  • TTA will also conduct post-benchmark assessments (Galileo assessments) to help TTA leaders and teachers measure the longitudinal growth of each student. This will be used also to determine the students’ career and college readiness. 
  • TTA will use student scores from the state-wide assessment AzMERIT to measure student’s academic progress and the school effectiveness. 
  • Other assessments will be aggregated, such as the score from the Pre-Cat, the Cat, and the Acuplacer test. Our students will be required to take the pre-Act in 10th grade. The students are also required to take the Acuplacer test to measure readiness for college. 

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