• What type of school is TTA?

    Answer:  Think Through Academy is a free public charter high school that is open for every student. TTA emphasizes the STEM program.

  • What is the enrollment process?

    You can get enrollment by filling  out and the enrollment packet and submitting the required documents.

    Please go to admissions page for more details

  • What are the admission requirements?

    As a charter school, we accept every student who come to us we are not allays to choose based on behavioral or academic performance. We are targeting every students who needs an instruction that targets his own needs including, academic, social and emotional.

  • What if my student is academically behind?

    Answer:  TTA is implementing the first of its kind Double Dose block scheduling in AZ for Math and English Language Arts. For example, in traditional schools, students learn 9th grade Math or English Language Arts curriculum in 61 hours.  At TTA, if a student is under performing in either subject or both, the Double Dose scheduling provides students with 131 hours of instructional time so they can catch up and achieve the academic level of his/her grade.

  • How big are the classrooms?

    Answer:  Each classroom will have a max. of 20 students to provide more individualized attention for each student.

  • What languages are you teaching?

    Answer:  The following languages taught at TTA:  Spanish, French and Arabic

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